library(EcoData)library(effects)## Loading required package: carData## lattice theme set by effectsTheme()## See ?effectsTheme for details.library(DHARMa)## This is DHARMa 0.4.6. For overview type '?DHARMa'. For recent changes, type news(package = 'DHARMa')str(titanic) #from EcoData package## 'data.frame': 1309 obs. of 14 variables:## $ pclass : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...## $ survived : int 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 ...## $ name : chr "Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton" "Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor" "Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine" "Allison, Mr. Hudson Joshua Creighton" ...## $ sex : chr "female" "male" "female" "male" ...## $ age : num 29 0.917 2 30 25 ...## $ sibsp : int 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 ...## $ parch : int 0 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 ...## $ ticket : chr "24160" "113781" "113781" "113781" ...## $ fare : num 211 152 152 152 152 ...## $ cabin : chr "B5" "C22 C26" "C22 C26" "C22 C26" ...## $ embarked : chr "S" "S" "S" "S" ...## $ boat : chr "2" "11" "" "" ...## $ body : int NA NA NA 135 NA NA NA NA NA 22 ...## $ home.dest: chr "St Louis, MO" "Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON" "Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON" "Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON" ...titanic$Fpclass =as.factor(titanic$pclass)m =lm(survived~age+sex, data = titanic)summary(m)## ## Call:## lm(formula = survived ~ age + sex, data = titanic)## ## Residuals:## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -0.7728 -0.2100 -0.1954 0.2484 0.8308 ## ## Coefficients:## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 0.7734802 0.0331389 23.341 <2e-16 ***## age -0.0007287 0.0008920 -0.817 0.414 ## sexmale -0.5460270 0.0266030 -20.525 <2e-16 ***## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1## ## Residual standard error: 0.4148 on 1043 degrees of freedom## (263 observations deleted due to missingness)## Multiple R-squared: 0.2899, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2885 ## F-statistic: 212.9 on 2 and 1043 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16par(mfrow =c(2, 2))plot(m)
par(mfrow =c(1,1))
We can see that there is something seriously wrong with the residuals! One assumption for the lm is that the residuals and the response variable are normally distributed:
table(titanic$survived)## ## 0 1 ## 809 500
Our response consists of 0s and 1s, so it is a binomial distribution. For binomial data we cannot use a lm because we need to restrict our values to be in the range of [0,1] (our ‘lm’ needs to predict probabilites).
The idea of generalized linear models is that we can use link (and inverse link functions) to transform the expected values into the range of our response.
All GLMs have a linear term to specify the desired dependency on explanatory variables (we already know this) \(y = a x + b x_2 + c\)
a link function to scale the linear term to the correct range of values for the distribution that was chosen(this is new)
and a probability distribution that describes the model from which the dependent variable is generated(this is also new – so far: normal = gaussian)
LM and GLMS – the three models you should know:
R call
Linear regression (continuous data)
lm(y ~ x) or glm(y~x, family = gaussian())
Identity (no) link, normal distribution (family = gaussian) no inverse link
Model diagnostic (residual checks) cannot be done anymore by plotting the model. This can be only done for a lm! For glms we have to use the DHARMa package!
You can interpret the glm outputs basically like lm outputs.
BUT: To get absolute response values, you have to transform the output with the inverse link function. For the logit, e.g. an intercept of 0 means a predicted value of 0.5. Different overall statistics: no R2 instead Pseudo R2 = 1 - Residual deviance / Null deviance(deviance is based on the likelihood):
# logistic regression with categorical predictorm1 =glm(survived ~ sex, data = titanic, family ="binomial")summary(m1)## ## Call:## glm(formula = survived ~ sex, family = "binomial", data = titanic)## ## Coefficients:## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 0.9818 0.1040 9.437 <2e-16 ***## sexmale -2.4254 0.1360 -17.832 <2e-16 ***## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1## ## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)## ## Null deviance: 1741.0 on 1308 degrees of freedom## Residual deviance: 1368.1 on 1307 degrees of freedom## AIC: 1372.1## ## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4# 2 groups: sexmale = difference of mean for male from mean for female# intercept = linear term for female: 0.98## [1] 0.98# but: this has to be transformed back to original scale before being interpreted!!!# survival probability for femalesplogis(0.98)## [1] 0.7271082# applies inverse logit function# linear term for male0.98-2.43## [1] -1.45# survival probabilityplogis(0.98-2.43)## [1] 0.1900016# predicted linear termtable(predict(m1))## ## -1.4436252928589 0.981813020919314 ## 843 466# predicted responsetable(predict(m1, type ="response"))## ## 0.19098457888495 0.727467811158294 ## 843 466plot(allEffects(m1))
# more predictorsm2 =glm(survived ~ sex + age, titanic, family = binomial)summary(m2)## ## Call:## glm(formula = survived ~ sex + age, family = binomial, data = titanic)## ## Coefficients:## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 1.235414 0.192032 6.433 1.25e-10 ***## sexmale -2.460689 0.152315 -16.155 < 2e-16 ***## age -0.004254 0.005207 -0.817 0.414 ## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1## ## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)## ## Null deviance: 1414.6 on 1045 degrees of freedom## Residual deviance: 1101.3 on 1043 degrees of freedom## (263 observations deleted due to missingness)## AIC: 1107.3## ## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4# Calculate Pseudo R2: 1 - Residual deviance / Null deviance1-1101.3/1414.6# Pseudo R2 of model## [1] 0.221476# Anovaanova(m2, test ="Chisq")## Analysis of Deviance Table## ## Model: binomial, link: logit## ## Response: survived## ## Terms added sequentially (first to last)## ## ## Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi) ## NULL 1045 1414.6 ## sex 1 312.612 1044 1102.0 <2e-16 ***## age 1 0.669 1043 1101.3 0.4133 ## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1plot(allEffects(m2))
Residual check:
# Model diagnostics# do not use the plot(model) residual checks# use DHARMa packagelibrary(DHARMa)res =simulateResiduals(m2)plot(res)
9.2 Poisson Regression
Poisson regression is used for count data. Properties of count data are: no negative values, only integers, y ~ Poisson(lambda); where lambda = mean = variance, log link function (lambda must be positive).
fit =glm(feeding ~ attractiveness, birdfeeding, family ="poisson")summary(fit)## ## Call:## glm(formula = feeding ~ attractiveness, family = "poisson", data = birdfeeding)## ## Coefficients:## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 1.47459 0.19443 7.584 3.34e-14 ***## attractiveness 0.14794 0.05437 2.721 0.00651 ** ## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1## ## (Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)## ## Null deviance: 25.829 on 24 degrees of freedom## Residual deviance: 18.320 on 23 degrees of freedom## AIC: 115.42## ## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4# feeding for a bird with attractiveness 3# linear term1.47+0.148*3## [1] 1.914# pieces of food, using inverse of the link function, log --> expexp(1.47+0.148*3)## [1] 6.780155plot(allEffects(fit))
# checking residualsres =simulateResiduals(fit)plot(res, quantreg = F)## Warning in smooth.spline(pred, res, df = 10): not using invalid df; must have 1## < df <= n := #{unique x} = 5
# the warning is because of a recent change in DHARMa # qgam requires more data points
Normal versus Poisson distribution:
N(mean, sd)This means that fitting a normal distribution estimates a parameter for the variance (sd)
Poisson(lambda)lambda = mean = varianceThis means that a Poisson regression does not fit a separate parameter for the variance
So in the glm always assume that the variance is the mean, which is a strong assumption. In reality it can often occur that the variance is greater than expected (Overdispersion) or smaller than expected (Underdispersion). (this cannot happen for the lm because there we estimate a variance parameter (residual variance)). Overdispersion can have a HUGE influence on the MLEs and particularly on the p-values!
We can use the DHARMa package to check for Over or Underdispersion:
# test for overdispersiontestDispersion(fit)
## DHARMa nonparametric dispersion test via sd of residuals fitted vs.
## simulated
## data: simulationOutput
## dispersion = 0.74488, p-value = 0.384
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
# Dispersion test is necessary for all poisson or binomial models with k/n
# if positive, you can chose family = quasi-poisson or quasi-binomial
# or use negative binomial distribution instead of poisson