10  Deep Neural Networks (DNN)

We can use TensorFlow directly from R (see Appendix B for an introduction to TensorFlow), and we could use this knowledge to implement a neural network in TensorFlow directly in R. However, this can be quite cumbersome. For simple problems, it is usually faster to use a higher-level API that helps us implement the machine learning models in TensorFlow. The most common of these is Keras.

Keras is a powerful framework for building and training neural networks with just a few lines of code. As of the end of 2018, Keras and TensorFlow are fully interoperable, allowing us to take advantage of the best of both.

The goal of this lesson is to familiarize you with Keras. If you have TensorFlow installed, you can find Keras inside TensorFlow: tf.keras. However, the RStudio team has built an R package on top of tf.keras that is more convenient to use. To load the Keras package, type


Attaching package: 'keras3'
The following objects are masked from 'package:tensorflow':

    set_random_seed, shape
# or library(torch)

10.1 Example workflow in Keras / Torch

We build a small classifier to predict the three species of the iris data set. Load the necessary packages and data sets:


Attaching package: 'torch'
The following object is masked from 'package:keras3':

  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa
2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa
3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa
4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa
5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa
6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa

For neural networks, it is beneficial to scale the predictors (scaling = centering and standardization, see ?scale). We also split our data into predictors (X) and response (Y = the three species).

X = scale(iris[,1:4])
Y = iris[,5]

Additionally, Keras/TensorFlow cannot handle factors and we have to create contrasts (one-hot encoding). To do so, we have to specify the number of categories. This can be tricky for a beginner, because in other programming languages like Python and C++, arrays start at zero. Thus, when we would specify 3 as number of classes for our three species, we would have the classes 0,1,2,3. Keep this in mind.

Y = keras3::to_categorical(as.integer(Y) - 1L, 3)
head(Y) # 3 columns, one for each level of the response.
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]    1    0    0
[2,]    1    0    0
[3,]    1    0    0
[4,]    1    0    0
[5,]    1    0    0
[6,]    1    0    0

After having prepared the data, we start now with the typical workflow in keras.

1. Initialize a sequential model in Keras:

model = keras_model_sequential(shape(4L))

Torch users can skip this step.

A sequential Keras model is a higher order type of model within Keras and consists of one input and one output model.

2. Add hidden layers to the model (we will learn more about hidden layers during the next days).

When specifying the hidden layers, we also have to specify the shape and a so called activation function. You can think of the activation function as decision for what is forwarded to the next neuron (but we will learn more about it later). If you want to know this topic in even more depth, consider watching the videos presented in section @ref(basicMath).

The shape of the input is the number of predictors (here 4) and the shape of the output is the number of classes (here 3).

model |>
  layer_dense(units = 20L, activation = "relu") |>
  layer_dense(units = 20L) |>
  layer_dense(units = 20L) |>
  layer_dense(units = 3L, activation = "softmax") 

The Torch syntax is very similar, we will give a list of layers to the “nn_sequential” function. Here, we have to specify the softmax activation function as an extra layer:

model_torch = 
    nn_linear(4L, 20L),
    nn_linear(20L, 20L),
    nn_linear(20L, 20L),
    nn_linear(20L, 3L),
  • softmax scales a potential multidimensional vector to the interval \((0, 1]\) for each component. The sum of all components equals 1. This might be very useful for example for handling probabilities. Ensure ther the labels start at 0! Otherwise the softmax function does not work well!

3. Compile the model with a loss function (here: cross entropy) and an optimizer (here: Adamax).

We will learn about other options later, so for now, do not worry about the “learning_rate” (“lr” in Torch or earlier in TensorFlow) argument, cross entropy or the optimizer.

model |>
  compile(loss = keras3::loss_categorical_crossentropy,
          keras3::optimizer_adamax(learning_rate = 0.001))
Model: "sequential"
┃ Layer (type)                      ┃ Output Shape             ┃       Param # ┃
│ dense (Dense)                     │ (None, 20)               │           100 │
│ dense_1 (Dense)                   │ (None, 20)               │           420 │
│ dense_2 (Dense)                   │ (None, 20)               │           420 │
│ dense_3 (Dense)                   │ (None, 3)                │            63 │
 Total params: 1,003 (3.92 KB)
 Trainable params: 1,003 (3.92 KB)
 Non-trainable params: 0 (0.00 B)

Specify optimizer and the parameters which will be trained (in our case the parameters of the network):

optimizer_torch = optim_adam(params = model_torch$parameters, lr = 0.001)

4. Fit model in 30 iterations (epochs)


model_history =
  model |>
    fit(x = X, y = apply(Y, 2, as.integer), epochs = 30L,
        batch_size = 20L, shuffle = TRUE)
Epoch 1/30
8/8 - 0s - 50ms/step - loss: 1.0022
Epoch 2/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.8961
Epoch 3/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.8120
Epoch 4/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.7409
Epoch 5/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.6819
Epoch 6/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.6297
Epoch 7/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.5861
Epoch 8/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.5472
Epoch 9/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.5175
Epoch 10/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.4901
Epoch 11/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.4663
Epoch 12/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.4477
Epoch 13/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.4307
Epoch 14/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.4158
Epoch 15/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.4030
Epoch 16/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3921
Epoch 17/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3816
Epoch 18/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3735
Epoch 19/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3641
Epoch 20/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3574
Epoch 21/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3498
Epoch 22/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3426
Epoch 23/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3367
Epoch 24/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3305
Epoch 25/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3248
Epoch 26/30
8/8 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 0.3197
Epoch 27/30
8/8 - 0s - 1ms/step - loss: 0.3144
Epoch 28/30
8/8 - 0s - 1ms/step - loss: 0.3092
Epoch 29/30
8/8 - 0s - 1ms/step - loss: 0.3038
Epoch 30/30
8/8 - 0s - 1ms/step - loss: 0.2988

In Torch, we jump directly to the training loop, however, here we have to write our own training loop:

  1. Get a batch of data.
  2. Predict on batch.
  3. Ccalculate loss between predictions and true labels.
  4. Backpropagate error.
  5. Update weights.
  6. Go to step 1 and repeat.

# Calculate number of training steps.
epochs = 30
batch_size = 20
steps = round(nrow(X)/batch_size * epochs)

X_torch = torch_tensor(X)
Y_torch = torch_tensor(apply(Y, 1, which.max)) 

# Set model into training status.

log_losses = NULL

# Training loop.
for(i in 1:steps){
  # Get batch.
  indices = sample.int(nrow(X), batch_size)
  # Reset backpropagation.
  # Predict and calculate loss.
  pred = model_torch(X_torch[indices, ])
  loss = nnf_cross_entropy(pred, Y_torch[indices])
  # Backpropagation and weight update.
  log_losses[i] = as.numeric(loss)

5. Plot training history:


plot(log_losses, xlab = "steps", ylab = "loss", las = 1)

6. Create predictions:

predictions = predict(model, X) # Probabilities for each class.
5/5 - 0s - 8ms/step

Get probabilities:

head(predictions) # Quasi-probabilities for each species.
          [,1]        [,2]         [,3]
[1,] 0.9968982 0.002193661 0.0009081917
[2,] 0.9867232 0.012216523 0.0010602337
[3,] 0.9942806 0.005097551 0.0006219447
[4,] 0.9896508 0.009552005 0.0007972129
[5,] 0.9976753 0.001555835 0.0007687954
[6,] 0.9956868 0.001622168 0.0026909732

For each plant, we want to know for which species we got the highest probability:

preds = apply(predictions, 1, which.max) 
  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 [38] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2
 [75] 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
[112] 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
[149] 3 3
preds_torch = model_torch(torch_tensor(X))
preds_torch = apply(preds_torch, 1, which.max) 
  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 [38] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2
 [75] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
[112] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
[149] 3 3

7. Calculate Accuracy (how often we have been correct):

mean(preds == as.integer(iris$Species))
[1] 0.8533333
mean(preds_torch == as.integer(iris$Species))
[1] 0.9733333

8. Plot predictions, to see if we have done a good job:

oldpar = par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Petal.Length, col = iris$Species,
     main = "Observed")
plot(iris$Sepal.Length, iris$Petal.Length, col = preds,
     main = "Predicted")

par(oldpar)   # Reset par.

So you see, building a neural network is very easy with Keras or Torch and you can already do it on your own.

10.2 Exercise

Task: Regression with keras

We now build a regression for the airquality data set with Keras/Torch. We want to predict the variable “Ozone” (continuous).


  • Fill in the missing steps

Before we start, load and prepare the data set:


data = airquality

     Ozone           Solar.R           Wind             Temp      
 Min.   :  1.00   Min.   :  7.0   Min.   : 1.700   Min.   :56.00  
 1st Qu.: 18.00   1st Qu.:115.8   1st Qu.: 7.400   1st Qu.:72.00  
 Median : 31.50   Median :205.0   Median : 9.700   Median :79.00  
 Mean   : 42.13   Mean   :185.9   Mean   : 9.958   Mean   :77.88  
 3rd Qu.: 63.25   3rd Qu.:258.8   3rd Qu.:11.500   3rd Qu.:85.00  
 Max.   :168.00   Max.   :334.0   Max.   :20.700   Max.   :97.00  
 NA's   :37       NA's   :7                                       
     Month            Day      
 Min.   :5.000   Min.   : 1.0  
 1st Qu.:6.000   1st Qu.: 8.0  
 Median :7.000   Median :16.0  
 Mean   :6.993   Mean   :15.8  
 3rd Qu.:8.000   3rd Qu.:23.0  
 Max.   :9.000   Max.   :31.0  
  1. There are NAs in the data, which we have to remove because Keras cannot handle NAs. If you don’t know how to remove NAs from a data.frame, use Google (e.g. with the query: “remove-rows-with-all-or-some-nas-missing-values-in-data-frame”).
data = data[complete.cases(data),]  # Remove NAs.
     Ozone          Solar.R           Wind            Temp      
 Min.   :  1.0   Min.   :  7.0   Min.   : 2.30   Min.   :57.00  
 1st Qu.: 18.0   1st Qu.:113.5   1st Qu.: 7.40   1st Qu.:71.00  
 Median : 31.0   Median :207.0   Median : 9.70   Median :79.00  
 Mean   : 42.1   Mean   :184.8   Mean   : 9.94   Mean   :77.79  
 3rd Qu.: 62.0   3rd Qu.:255.5   3rd Qu.:11.50   3rd Qu.:84.50  
 Max.   :168.0   Max.   :334.0   Max.   :20.70   Max.   :97.00  
     Month            Day       
 Min.   :5.000   Min.   : 1.00  
 1st Qu.:6.000   1st Qu.: 9.00  
 Median :7.000   Median :16.00  
 Mean   :7.216   Mean   :15.95  
 3rd Qu.:9.000   3rd Qu.:22.50  
 Max.   :9.000   Max.   :31.00  
  1. Split the data in features (\(\boldsymbol{X}\)) and response (\(\boldsymbol{y}\), Ozone) and scale the \(\boldsymbol{X}\) matrix.
x = scale(data[,2:6])
y = data[,1]
  1. Create a sequential Keras model.
model = keras_model_sequential(shape(5L))
  1. Add hidden layers (input and output layer are already specified, you have to add hidden layers between them):
model |>
  layer_dense(units = 20L, activation = "relu") |>
  layer_dense(units = 1L, activation = "linear")
  • Why do we use 5L as input shape?
  • Why only one output node and “linear” activation layer?
model |>
  layer_dense(units = 20L, activation = "relu", input_shape = list(5L)) |>
  layer_dense(units = 20L) |>
  layer_dense(units = 20L) |>
  layer_dense(units = 1L, activation = "linear")
  1. Compile the model
model |>
  compile(loss = keras3::loss_mean_squared_error, optimizer_adamax(learning_rate = 0.05))

What is the “mean_squared_error” loss?

  1. Fit model:
model_history =
  model |>
  fit(x = x, y = as.numeric(y), epochs = 100L,
      batch_size = 20L, shuffle = TRUE)
Epoch 1/100
6/6 - 0s - 56ms/step - loss: 2304.9736
Epoch 2/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 844.4670
Epoch 3/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 403.8222
Epoch 4/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 338.9061
Epoch 5/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 377.5107
Epoch 6/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 312.3781
Epoch 7/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 332.7539
Epoch 8/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 300.3812
Epoch 9/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 304.9411
Epoch 10/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 294.1410
Epoch 11/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 297.0824
Epoch 12/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 303.1965
Epoch 13/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 287.5248
Epoch 14/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 287.0906
Epoch 15/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 299.0218
Epoch 16/100
6/6 - 0s - 3ms/step - loss: 288.2249
Epoch 17/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 285.8900
Epoch 18/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 293.2901
Epoch 19/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 315.4283
Epoch 20/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 277.5013
Epoch 21/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 289.2515
Epoch 22/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 280.9329
Epoch 23/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 283.0792
Epoch 24/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 317.6115
Epoch 25/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 279.5954
Epoch 26/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 267.7930
Epoch 27/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 289.1937
Epoch 28/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 281.3068
Epoch 29/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 276.8955
Epoch 30/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 262.5016
Epoch 31/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 265.7221
Epoch 32/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 273.6547
Epoch 33/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 244.4558
Epoch 34/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 263.5290
Epoch 35/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 256.0312
Epoch 36/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 248.2983
Epoch 37/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 253.4030
Epoch 38/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 236.8920
Epoch 39/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 251.6100
Epoch 40/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 260.6098
Epoch 41/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 243.3047
Epoch 42/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 250.5724
Epoch 43/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 249.6459
Epoch 44/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 222.8224
Epoch 45/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 242.3164
Epoch 46/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 223.1310
Epoch 47/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 223.3789
Epoch 48/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 234.4032
Epoch 49/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 227.7735
Epoch 50/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 236.4764
Epoch 51/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 225.5554
Epoch 52/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 221.5008
Epoch 53/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 227.1257
Epoch 54/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 218.0656
Epoch 55/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 226.0332
Epoch 56/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 213.2831
Epoch 57/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 209.4318
Epoch 58/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 201.4224
Epoch 59/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 205.1103
Epoch 60/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 203.7220
Epoch 61/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 222.1807
Epoch 62/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 214.8768
Epoch 63/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 202.3848
Epoch 64/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 209.8243
Epoch 65/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 193.5286
Epoch 66/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 193.3627
Epoch 67/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 189.8934
Epoch 68/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 186.7781
Epoch 69/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 207.4391
Epoch 70/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 191.4560
Epoch 71/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 184.1445
Epoch 72/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 193.3217
Epoch 73/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 202.0850
Epoch 74/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 184.7625
Epoch 75/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 184.3798
Epoch 76/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 186.3008
Epoch 77/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 181.1955
Epoch 78/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 193.9419
Epoch 79/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 224.2767
Epoch 80/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 207.8511
Epoch 81/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 186.0640
Epoch 82/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 168.0031
Epoch 83/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 202.3606
Epoch 84/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 184.4188
Epoch 85/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 185.6397
Epoch 86/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 161.2557
Epoch 87/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 185.0522
Epoch 88/100
6/6 - 0s - 3ms/step - loss: 157.3587
Epoch 89/100
6/6 - 0s - 5ms/step - loss: 181.0723
Epoch 90/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 166.3280
Epoch 91/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 173.8368
Epoch 92/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 163.1193
Epoch 93/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 152.3261
Epoch 94/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 145.8915
Epoch 95/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 156.2227
Epoch 96/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 152.8232
Epoch 97/100
6/6 - 0s - 3ms/step - loss: 150.5020
Epoch 98/100
6/6 - 0s - 3ms/step - loss: 157.4122
Epoch 99/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 139.4589
Epoch 100/100
6/6 - 0s - 2ms/step - loss: 139.4398
  1. Plot training history.

  1. Create predictions.
pred_keras = predict(model, x)
4/4 - 0s - 17ms/step
  1. Compare your Keras model to a linear model:
fit = lm(Ozone ~ ., data = data)
pred_lm = predict(fit, data)
rmse_lm = mean(sqrt((y - pred_lm)^2))
rmse_keras = mean(sqrt((y - pred_keras)^2))
[1] 14.78897
[1] 8.478705

Before we start, load and prepare the data set:


data = airquality
     Ozone           Solar.R           Wind             Temp      
 Min.   :  1.00   Min.   :  7.0   Min.   : 1.700   Min.   :56.00  
 1st Qu.: 18.00   1st Qu.:115.8   1st Qu.: 7.400   1st Qu.:72.00  
 Median : 31.50   Median :205.0   Median : 9.700   Median :79.00  
 Mean   : 42.13   Mean   :185.9   Mean   : 9.958   Mean   :77.88  
 3rd Qu.: 63.25   3rd Qu.:258.8   3rd Qu.:11.500   3rd Qu.:85.00  
 Max.   :168.00   Max.   :334.0   Max.   :20.700   Max.   :97.00  
 NA's   :37       NA's   :7                                       
     Month            Day      
 Min.   :5.000   Min.   : 1.0  
 1st Qu.:6.000   1st Qu.: 8.0  
 Median :7.000   Median :16.0  
 Mean   :6.993   Mean   :15.8  
 3rd Qu.:8.000   3rd Qu.:23.0  
 Max.   :9.000   Max.   :31.0  

  1. There are NAs in the data, which we have to remove because Keras cannot handle NAs. If you don’t know how to remove NAs from a data.frame, use Google (e.g. with the query: “remove-rows-with-all-or-some-nas-missing-values-in-data-frame”).
data = data[complete.cases(data),]  # Remove NAs.
     Ozone          Solar.R           Wind            Temp      
 Min.   :  1.0   Min.   :  7.0   Min.   : 2.30   Min.   :57.00  
 1st Qu.: 18.0   1st Qu.:113.5   1st Qu.: 7.40   1st Qu.:71.00  
 Median : 31.0   Median :207.0   Median : 9.70   Median :79.00  
 Mean   : 42.1   Mean   :184.8   Mean   : 9.94   Mean   :77.79  
 3rd Qu.: 62.0   3rd Qu.:255.5   3rd Qu.:11.50   3rd Qu.:84.50  
 Max.   :168.0   Max.   :334.0   Max.   :20.70   Max.   :97.00  
     Month            Day       
 Min.   :5.000   Min.   : 1.00  
 1st Qu.:6.000   1st Qu.: 9.00  
 Median :7.000   Median :16.00  
 Mean   :7.216   Mean   :15.95  
 3rd Qu.:9.000   3rd Qu.:22.50  
 Max.   :9.000   Max.   :31.00  
  1. Split the data in features (\(\boldsymbol{X}\)) and response (\(\boldsymbol{y}\), Ozone) and scale the \(\boldsymbol{X}\) matrix.
x = scale(data[,2:6])
y = data[,1]
  1. Pass a list of layer objects to a sequential network class of torch (input and output layer are already specified, you have to add hidden layers between them):
model_torch = 
    nn_linear(5L, 20L),
    nn_linear(20L, 1L),
  • Why do we use 5L as input shape?
  • Why only one output node and no activation layer?

model_torch = 
    nn_linear(5L, 20L),
    nn_linear(20L, 20L),
    nn_linear(20L, 20L),
    nn_linear(20L, 1L),
  1. Create optimizer

We have to pass the network’s parameters to the optimizer (how is this different to keras?)

optimizer_torch = optim_adam(params = model_torch$parameters, lr = 0.05)
  1. Fit model

In torch we write the trainings loop on our own. Complete the trainings loop:

# Calculate number of training steps.
epochs = ...
batch_size = 32
steps = ...

X_torch = torch_tensor(x)
Y_torch = torch_tensor(y, ...) 

# Set model into training status.

log_losses = NULL

# Training loop.
for(i in 1:steps){
  # Get batch indices.
  indices = sample.int(nrow(x), batch_size)
  X_batch = ...
  Y_batch = ...
  # Reset backpropagation.
  # Predict and calculate loss.
  pred = model_torch(X_batch)
  loss = ...
  # Backpropagation and weight update.
  log_losses[i] = as.numeric(loss)
# Calculate number of training steps.
epochs = 100
batch_size = 32
steps = round(nrow(x)/batch_size*epochs)

X_torch = torch_tensor(x)
Y_torch = torch_tensor(y, dtype = torch_float32())$view(list(-1, 1)) 

# Set model into training status.

log_losses = NULL

# Training loop.
for(i in 1:steps){
  # Get batch indices.
  indices = sample.int(nrow(x), batch_size)
  X_batch = X_torch[indices,]
  Y_batch = Y_torch[indices,]
  # Reset backpropagation.
  # Predict and calculate loss.
  pred = model_torch(X_batch)
  loss = nnf_mse_loss(pred, Y_batch)
  # Backpropagation and weight update.
  log_losses[i] = as.numeric(loss)


  • Number of training $ steps = Number of rows / batchsize * Epochs $
  • Search torch::nnf_… for the correct loss function (mse…)
  • Make sure that X_torch and Y_torch have the same data type! (you can set the dtype via torch_tensor(…, dtype = …)) _ Check the dimension of Y_torch, we need a matrix!
  1. Plot training history.
plot(y = log_losses, x = 1:steps, xlab = "Epoch", ylab = "MSE")

  1. Create predictions.
pred_torch = model_torch(X_torch)
pred_torch = as.numeric(pred_torch) # cast torch to R object 
  1. Compare your Torch model with a linear model:
fit = lm(Ozone ~ ., data = data)
pred_lm = predict(fit, data)
rmse_lm = mean(sqrt((y - pred_lm)^2))
rmse_torch = mean(sqrt((y - pred_torch)^2))
[1] 14.78897
[1] 6.897064
Task: Titanic dataset

Build a Keras DNN for the titanic dataset

Bonus Task: More details on the inner working of Keras

The next task differs for Torch and Keras users. Keras users will learn more about the inner working of training while Torch users will learn how to simplify and generalize the training loop.

Go through the code and try to understand it.

Similar to Torch, here we will write the training loop ourselves in the following. The training loop consists of several steps:

  1. Sample batches of X and Y data
  2. Open the gradientTape to create a computational graph (autodiff)
  3. Make predictions and calculate loss
  4. Update parameters based on the gradients at the loss (go back to 1. and repeat)

data = airquality
data = data[complete.cases(data),]  # Remove NAs.
x = scale(data[,2:6])
y = data[,1]

layers = tf$keras$layers
model = tf$keras$models$Sequential(
    layers$InputLayer(input_shape = list(5L)),
    layers$Dense(units = 20L, activation = tf$nn$relu),
    layers$Dense(units = 20L, activation = tf$nn$relu),
    layers$Dense(units = 20L, activation = tf$nn$relu),
    layers$Dense(units = 1L, activation = NULL) # No activation == "linear".

epochs = 200L
optimizer = tf$keras$optimizers$Adamax(0.01)

# Stochastic gradient optimization is more efficient
# in each optimization step, we use a random subset of the data.
get_batch = function(batch_size = 32L){
  indices = sample.int(nrow(x), size = batch_size)
  return(list(bX = x[indices,], bY = y[indices]))
get_batch() # Try out this function.
        Solar.R        Wind        Temp      Month          Day
66  -0.10753214 -1.50086285  0.54640337 -0.1467431 -1.257115152
29   0.73720791  1.39425525  0.33653910 -1.5041165  1.499226218
8   -0.94130153  1.08506788 -1.97196786 -1.5041165 -0.912572481
122  0.57264816 -1.02302783  1.91052111  0.5319436  1.614073775
71  -0.10753214 -0.71384046  1.17599617 -0.1467431 -0.682877366
17   1.34059366  0.57912491 -1.23744292 -1.5041165  0.121055533
113  0.81400246  1.56290291 -0.08318944  0.5319436  0.580445762
117  0.58361881 -1.83815816  0.33653910  0.5319436  1.039835990
139  0.57264816 -0.85438017  0.02174269  1.2106304  0.006207976
92   0.75914921 -0.20789749  0.33653910 -0.1467431  1.728921332
79   1.09923936 -1.02302783  0.65133550 -0.1467431  0.235903090
142  0.58361881  0.10128988 -1.02757865  1.2106304  0.350750647
143  0.17770476 -0.54519280  0.44147123  1.2106304  0.465598204
136  0.58361881 -1.02302783 -0.08318944  1.2106304 -0.338334695
3   -0.39276904  0.74777257 -0.39798584 -1.5041165 -1.486810266
40   1.16506326  1.08506788  1.28092831 -0.8254298 -0.797724924
41   1.51612406  0.43858520  0.96613190 -0.8254298 -0.682877366
140  0.43002971  1.08506788 -1.13251078  1.2106304  0.121055533
31   1.03341546 -0.71384046 -0.18812157 -1.5041165  1.728921332
1    0.05702761 -0.71384046 -1.13251078 -1.5041165 -1.716505380
88  -1.12780258  0.57912491  0.86119977 -0.1467431  1.269531104
70   0.95662091 -1.19167548  1.49079258 -0.1467431 -0.797724924
82  -1.95060133 -0.85438017 -0.39798584 -0.1467431  0.580445762
20  -1.54468728 -0.06735777 -1.65717146 -1.5041165  0.465598204
149  0.08993956 -0.85438017 -0.81771438  1.2106304  1.154683547
12   0.78109051 -0.06735777 -0.92264652 -1.5041165 -0.453182252
116  0.29838191 -0.06735777  0.12667483  0.5319436  0.924988433
16   1.63680121  0.43858520 -1.44730719 -1.5041165  0.006207976
81   0.38614711  0.43858520  0.75626764 -0.1467431  0.465598204
68   1.00050351 -1.36032314  1.07106404 -0.1467431 -1.027420038
74  -0.10753214  1.39425525  0.33653910 -0.1467431 -0.338334695
137 -1.76410028  0.26993754 -0.71278225  1.2106304 -0.223487138

 [1]  64  45  19  84  85  34  21 168  46  59  61  24  16  28  12  71  39  18  37
[20]  41  52  97  16  11  30  16  45  14  63  77  27   9
steps = floor(nrow(x)/32) * epochs  # We need nrow(x)/32 steps for each epoch.
for(i in 1:steps){
  # Get data.
  batch = get_batch()

  # Transform it into tensors.
  bX = tf$constant(batch$bX)
  bY = tf$constant(matrix(batch$bY, ncol = 1L))
  # Automatic differentiation:
  # Record computations with respect to our model variables.
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape,
      pred = model(bX) # We record the operation for our model weights.
      loss = tf$reduce_mean(tf$keras$losses$mse(bY, pred))
  # Calculate the gradients for our model$weights at the loss / backpropagation.
  gradients = tape$gradient(loss, model$weights) 

  # Update our model weights with the learning rate specified above.
  optimizer$apply_gradients(purrr::transpose(list(gradients, model$weights))) 
  if(! i%%30){
    cat("Loss: ", loss$numpy(), "\n") # Print loss every 30 steps (not epochs!).
Loss:  1884.367 
Loss:  510.4832 
Loss:  262.0391 
Loss:  433.5691 
Loss:  270.5837 
Loss:  258.8594 
Loss:  464.4019 
Loss:  206.4962 
Loss:  165.5195 
Loss:  205.2222 
Loss:  193.0815 
Loss:  242.6305 
Loss:  274.8206 
Loss:  208.7632 
Loss:  112.6337 
Loss:  230.132 
Loss:  186.9256 
Loss:  176.1826 
Loss:  375.6426 
Loss:  286.4479 

Keras and Torch use dataloaders to generate the data batches. Dataloaders are objects that return batches of data infinetly. Keras create the dataloader object automatically in the fit function, in Torch we have to write them ourselves:

  1. Define a dataset object. This object informs the dataloader function about the inputs, outputs, length (nrow), and how to sample from it.
  2. Create an instance of the dataset object by calling it and passing the actual data to it
  3. Pass the initiated dataset to the dataloader function

data = airquality
data = data[complete.cases(data),]  # Remove NAs.
x = scale(data[,2:6])
y = matrix(data[,1], ncol = 1L)

torch_dataset = torch::dataset(
    name = "airquality",
    initialize = function(X,Y) {
      self$X = torch::torch_tensor(as.matrix(X), dtype = torch_float32())
      self$Y = torch::torch_tensor(as.matrix(Y), dtype = torch_float32())
    .getitem = function(index) {
      x = self$X[index,]
      y = self$Y[index,]
      list(x, y)
    .length = function() {
dataset = torch_dataset(x,y)
dataloader = torch::dataloader(dataset, batch_size = 30L, shuffle = TRUE)

Our dataloader is again an object which has to be initiated. The initiated object returns a list of two elements, batch x and batch y. The initated object stops returning batches when the dataset was completly transversed (no worries, we don’t have to all of this ourselves).

Our training loop has changed:

model_torch = nn_sequential(
  nn_linear(5L, 50L),
  nn_linear(50L, 50L),
  nn_linear(50L, 50L),
  nn_linear(50L, 1L)
epochs = 50L
opt = optim_adam(model_torch$parameters, 0.01)
train_losses = c()
for(epoch in 1:epochs){
  train_loss = c()
    for(batch in dataloader) { 
      pred = model_torch(batch[[1]])
      loss = nnf_mse_loss(pred, batch[[2]])
      train_loss = c(train_loss, loss$item())
  train_losses = c(train_losses, mean(train_loss))
  if(!epoch%%10) cat(sprintf("Loss at epoch %d: %3f\n", epoch, mean(train_loss)))
Loss at epoch 10: 349.544273
Loss at epoch 20: 289.687613
Loss at epoch 30: 269.088741
Loss at epoch 40: 260.377857
Loss at epoch 50: 213.073002
plot(train_losses, type = "o", pch = 15,
        col = "darkblue", lty = 1, xlab = "Epoch",
        ylab = "Loss", las = 1)

Now change the code from above for the iris data set. Tip: In tf\(keras\)losses$… you can find various loss functions.


x = scale(iris[,1:4])
y = iris[,5]
y = keras3::to_categorical(as.integer(Y)-1L, 3)

layers = tf$keras$layers
model = tf$keras$models$Sequential(
    layers$InputLayer(input_shape = list(4L)),
    layers$Dense(units = 20L, activation = tf$nn$relu),
    layers$Dense(units = 20L, activation = tf$nn$relu),
    layers$Dense(units = 20L, activation = tf$nn$relu),
    layers$Dense(units = 3L, activation = tf$nn$softmax)

epochs = 200L
optimizer = tf$keras$optimizers$Adamax(0.01)

# Stochastic gradient optimization is more efficient.
get_batch = function(batch_size = 32L){
  indices = sample.int(nrow(x), size = batch_size)
  return(list(bX = x[indices,], bY = y[indices,]))

steps = floor(nrow(x)/32) * epochs # We need nrow(x)/32 steps for each epoch.

for(i in 1:steps){
  batch = get_batch()
  bX = tf$constant(batch$bX)
  bY = tf$constant(batch$bY)
  # Automatic differentiation.
  with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape,
      pred = model(bX) # we record the operation for our model weights
      loss = tf$reduce_mean(tf$keras$losses$categorical_crossentropy(bY, pred))
  # Calculate the gradients for the loss at our model$weights / backpropagation.
  gradients = tape$gradient(loss, model$weights)
  # Update our model weights with the learning rate specified above.
  optimizer$apply_gradients(purrr::transpose(list(gradients, model$weights)))
  if(! i%%30){
    cat("Loss: ", loss$numpy(), "\n") # Print loss every 30 steps (not epochs!).
Loss:  0.009369774 
Loss:  0.0006021717 
Loss:  0.0012347 
Loss:  0.0003470368 
Loss:  0.001295264 
Loss:  0.0005416216 
Loss:  0.0004750416 
Loss:  0.0002165258 
Loss:  0.0002295185 
Loss:  0.0001976096 
Loss:  0.0001388085 
Loss:  0.0001116272 
Loss:  0.0002655677 
Loss:  0.0002172911 
Loss:  8.227722e-05 
Loss:  0.0002270631 
Loss:  0.0002010441 
Loss:  7.776875e-05 
Loss:  9.629007e-05 
Loss:  7.308766e-05 
Loss:  7.005708e-05 
Loss:  0.0001642501 
Loss:  0.0001119636 
Loss:  5.126416e-05 
Loss:  0.0001921077 
Loss:  5.825447e-05 

x = scale(iris[,1:4])
y = iris[,5]
y = as.integer(iris$Species)

torch_dataset = torch::dataset(
    name = "iris",
    initialize = function(X,Y) {
      self$X = torch::torch_tensor(as.matrix(X), dtype = torch_float32())
      self$Y = torch::torch_tensor(Y, dtype = torch_long())
    .getitem = function(index) {
      x = self$X[index,]
      y = self$Y[index]
      list(x, y)
    .length = function() {
dataset = torch_dataset(x,y)
dataloader = torch::dataloader(dataset, batch_size = 30L, shuffle = TRUE)

model_torch = nn_sequential(
  nn_linear(4L, 50L),
  nn_linear(50L, 50L),
  nn_linear(50L, 50L),
  nn_linear(50L, 3L)
epochs = 50L
opt = optim_adam(model_torch$parameters, 0.01)
train_losses = c()
for(epoch in 1:epochs){
    for(batch in dataloader) { 
      pred = model_torch(batch[[1]])
      loss = nnf_cross_entropy(pred, batch[[2]])
      train_loss = c(train_loss, loss$item())
  train_losses = c(train_losses, mean(train_loss))
  if(!epoch%%10) cat(sprintf("Loss at epoch %d: %3f\n", epoch, mean(train_loss)))
Loss at epoch 10: 15.999315
Loss at epoch 20: 8.324385
Loss at epoch 30: 5.632413
Loss at epoch 40: 4.256267
Loss at epoch 50: 3.425689


  • Mind the different input and output layer numbers.
  • The loss function increases randomly, because different subsets of the data were drawn. This is a downside of stochastic gradient descent.
  • A positive thing about stochastic gradient descent is, that local valleys or hills may be left and global ones can be found instead.

10.3 Underlying mathematical concepts - optional

If are not yet familiar with the underlying concepts of neural networks and want to know more about that, it is suggested to read / view the following videos / sites. Consider the Links and videos with descriptions in parentheses as optional bonus.

This might be useful to understand the further concepts in more depth.

Videos about the topic:

  • Gradient descent explained
  • (Stochastic gradient descent explained)
  • (Entropy explained)
  • Short explanation of entropy, cross entropy and Kullback–Leibler divergence
  • Deep Learning (chapter 1)
  • How neural networks learn - Deep Learning (chapter 2)
  • Backpropagation - Deep Learning (chapter 3)
  • Another video about backpropagation (extends the previous one) - Deep Learning (chapter 4)

10.3.1 Caveats of neural network optimization

Depending on activation functions, it might occur that the network won’t get updated, even with high learning rates (called vanishing gradient, especially for “sigmoid” functions). Furthermore, updates might overshoot (called exploding gradients) or activation functions will result in many zeros (especially for “relu”, dying relu).

In general, the first layers of a network tend to learn (much) more slowly than subsequent ones.