# Load python packages torch and torch_geometric via the reticulate R package
= import("torch")
torch = import("torch_geometric")
torch_geometric # helper functions from the torch_geometric modules
= torch_geometric$nn$GCNConv
GCNConv = torch_geometric$nn$global_mean_pool
global_mean_pool # Download the MUTAG TUDataset
= torch_geometric$datasets$TUDataset(root='data/TUDataset',
dataset name='MUTAG')
= torch_geometric$loader$DataLoader(dataset,
dataloader batch_size=64L,
# Create the model with a python class
# There are two classes in the response variable
= PyClass(
inherit = torch$nn$Module,
defs = list(
`__init__` = function(self, hidden_channels) {
torch$conv = GCNConv(dataset$num_node_features, hidden_channels)
self$linear = torch$nn$Linear(hidden_channels, dataset$num_classes)
},forward = function(self, x, edge_index, batch) {
= self$conv(x, edge_index)
x = x$relu()
x = global_mean_pool(x, batch)
= torch$nn$functional$dropout(x, p = 0.5, training=self$training)
x = self$linear(x)
x return(x)
} ))
13 Graph Neural Networks (GNNs)
Graph neural networks (GNN) is a young representative of the deep neural network family but is receiving more and more attention in the last years because of their ability to process non-Euclidean data such as graphs.
Currently there is no R package for GNNs available. However, we can use the ‘reticulate’ package to use the python packages ‘torch’ (python version) and ‘torch_geometric’.
The following example was mostly adapted from the ‘Node Classification with Graph Neural Networks’ example from the torch_geometric documentation.
The dataset is also provided by the ‘torch_geometric’ package and consists of molecules presented as graphs and the task is to predict whether HIV virus replication is inhibited by the molecule or not (classification, binary classification).
Training loop:
# create model object
= GCN(hidden_channels = 64L)
model # get optimizer and loss function
= torch$optim$Adamax(model$parameters(), lr = 0.01)
optimizer = torch$nn$CrossEntropyLoss()
loss_func # set model into training mode (because of the dropout layer)
model# train model
for(e in 1:50) {
= reticulate::as_iterator(dataloader)
iterator ::loop(for (b in iterator) {
coro= model(b$x, b$edge_index, b$batch)
pred = loss_func(pred, b$y)
loss $backward()
})if(e %% 10 ==0) cat(paste0("Epoch: ",e," Loss: ", round(loss$item()[1], 4), "\n"))
}## Epoch: 10 Loss: 0.6151
## Epoch: 20 Loss: 0.6163
## Epoch: 30 Loss: 0.5745
## Epoch: 40 Loss: 0.5362
## Epoch: 50 Loss: 0.5829
Make predictions:
= list()
preds = torch_geometric$loader$DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=64L,shuffle=FALSE)
test = reticulate::as_iterator(test)
iterator $eval()
model= 1
counter ::loop(for (b in iterator) {
coro= model(b$x, b$edge_index, b$batch)
preds[[counter]] <<- counter + 1
})head(torch$concat(preds)$sigmoid()$data$cpu()$numpy(), n = 3)
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] 0.3076028 0.6427078
## [2,] 0.4121239 0.5515330
## [3,] 0.4119514 0.5516798